Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Learn to forgive

What if the Ocean rejects the rivers from merging into it? What if the Mother rejects her children and their Love? What if nature rejects the humanity? What if God rejects the devotion of His children? The world will go topsy turvy if all the above incidents take place. It is astonishing and abnormal for all the above to reject. It is not their nature. The thin invisible thread in all of them is Love. Rejection is the greatest enemy of Love.

To reject a person is easy but to love a being, it takes enormous willingness, humility and egoless attitude. No being deserves rejection on this earth. If one thinks he needs to be deserted for his sins, every human being deserves to be alone. To err is human. To blame it on someone else is not. When you point out one finger towards others, remember there are four fingers pointing towards you and your mistakes. If every being minded his or her own business, this earth would turn into Heaven.

It is practicable to forgive and love the person whom you think deserves to be rejected. Firstly, think for yourself how many blunders and mistakes you have done all your life. Let alone life, count your mistakes in a day and then multiply them with 365. There will be countless mistakes in just one year. Imagine the mistakes made in all the past years? It is then you will realize your mountain of sins hiding in heaps. We think it is natural for us to make mistakes at that point of time. But isn’t it natural for the other person to make mistakes? Why are you not ready to accept him with the same feeling you forgave yourself? When you develop oneness with all the beings around you, you will never ever reject a being in your life.

Learn to forgive the people whom you assume as enemies. Hate the hatred and not the person. Hate the sin but not the sinner. If possible, help him overcome his weakness and mistakes. If you try to correct the sinner, he will be careful not to make mistake only in your presence. But if you correct the sins or his mistakes, he will never repeat them in his life.

God gives and forgives; Man gets and forgets. Man is the creation of God and so ought to remain embodiment of forgiveness. But he is acting in the opposite. When God is willing to forgive our greatest sins, why can’t we try to forgive our enemies? No person is worthy of rejection. In turn, reject his negative attitude and try to change him towards good. Prove you are a child of God.

Life is a rainbow of different colors. Even if we don’t like any color, we can’t separate it from the rainbow. Similarly life is a mixture of different tastes and various personalities we come across. Some are sweet and some are bitter. Yet life has to go on with all of them within it. Man is a boat sinking and floating with sorrow and happiness in the ocean of Life. They are inseparable. Man is born to accept whatever life bestows on him; not to reject. When he learns to accept all beings in his shadow of Love, there will be God at the other end of his Life’s journey just waiting to accept him in his heart bubbling with grace and love which confers endless bliss.