Wednesday, October 17, 2007

In Auckland

We boarded flight from Wellington to Auckland @ 7:00 AM and took a hotel room dropped our luggage and straight to site seeing. Auckland is also known as City of Sails is a big business development arena in NZ. We went to city center which looked to me similar to Sydney and some parts like Chicago. Entered in sky tower which is the tallest building in southern hemisphere. It is similar to Sydney tower restaurant. Vedu wanted to do Sky jump from 192 meters to ground floor. Prasad said yes and both went to get the tickets when I was talking to locals about Auckland. Vedu went up and said NO Way. I was happy for him coz it is impossible to jump from there even if it is controlled jump.

We went on tour around Auckland starting with Harbor Discovery from there went to underwater world which is great. Saw king penguins and normal penguins which live in Antarctica - rare chance to watch them and happy that I did not miss it. We saw Stingrays, Sharks, beautiful big fishes, eels, tortoise etc. (real ocean life) moving around and top of you in a glass covered environment. It was pleasant to watch city from underwater world.

We headed towards Auckland museum but did not get to see much. Thought of going to different islands on cruise but we missed it. Went on guided bus around the city. I heard that most of the population in city region is dominated by Asians and it is true.

We came back to Sky tower where we started our day and this time Vedu wanted to jump from sky tower. I thought he would come back again because of wind and rain but did not said to him. He went and JUMPED just like that very confidently. HO my lord he jumped from 192 mts and 630ft height. My heart was pounding but happy to see him very confident. When I went on the tower I was about to puke for going that high. I can only see cars in the size of Ants.. On the whole the purpose of him coming to Auckland is over :))

We missed Mt Eden highest point of Auckland but never mind there is always next time…. I got gifts from Vedu and Prasad (I guess for being a great mum and wife) as a mark of our trip.

Call from office upset me a bit but could able to direct them for temporary fix.

Had our dinner in city in a nice Indian restaurant and went back to hotel. Cannot wait to go home - sweet home (gruhamEkadA swarga sEma).

We did not touch South Island but heard from locals and friends that it is more beautiful than North. As mentioned before there is always next time and I will for sure go to NZ one more time in coming future.

2nd day in Wellington

I was amazed to see the sunrise from waters and between mountains. I wish I could be an artist to draw the picture that I saw. Never mind I captured that view in my eyes. We went to meet Mark and Leanne by walk from ‘Basin reserve’ – international cricket ground. It is very small ground when compared to Adelaide but we got chance to walk around the ground. Met Leanne in church and did not get to spend much time with them.

Went on cable car which is from mount top to city center. It hardly took 4 min in cable car which may take more than 25 min on road.

Afternoon we went around city and the evening Prasad and myself went for a long walk around the coast and saw sunset while Vedu is playing in skateboard park. Had dinner and went to Rush Hour 3 movie.

We went back to hotel to pack for tomorrow early morning flight to Auckland.

In Wellington

We had continental breakfast in hotel and out by 8:30 AM for sight seeing. We started with TePAPA museum. Everyone said it is good it is good – we understood after entering it – Entrance is FREE :)), No I am only joking. It is really good and worth seeing. It got everything. But not good as Field museum in Chicago which is much bigger than this.

After museum we went on a guided tour around Wellington. It is very small capital city. We started with mount peak (cant remember its name) where we have 360 degree view (yes 360 degree) of entire city and can also see south island. All the houses are built on top of hills. Of course we find only hills in Wellington. No wonder why people call it windy Wellington, it is very very windy. I liked the mountains and greenery a lot. Earth plate connecting to NZ and Australia is increasing every year by 1cm. If that is the case in couple of years we may end with more islands and rivers in between Australia and NZ.

Went to old and New Parliament house. Since old parliament house is constructed with wood same model and style is used to construct the New Parliament with brick. I liked state library cute building which looks like bee hive. Went to drive around the coast. It took us hardly 21/2 hrs to go around the coast. Beaches in Wellington are different from Australia. They do not have fine sand and most of them are raged.

Went to west pack stadium where all rugby games will be played. From there went to hotel and we had chine’s today. We had such a great view of city buildings, port and mountains from our hotel.

Wellington airport runway is smallest in the world. No wonder why we landed very smoothly :))

Reaching Wellington

Vedu and myself went out on a long walk around the mountain and beach. In the evening we boarded a very small flight from Toranga to Auckland where not more than 10 people can fit. Great experience going in small flight. By the time we had water in the flight we landed in Auckland. It is 25 min journey from Toranga to Auckland in flight. Boarded flight to Wellington from Auckland at 7:00 Pm and reached in Wellington by 9:00. Flight landing was very harsh, thought that is my last journey and almost said NarAyana (sacred word before death). Lucky we were in still in one piece. Our hotel is right in the city and all restaurants are open. We had Indian food today.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Trip to Rotarua

Today we started early morning to travel little bit down from top in North Island. Nice weather for long journey. Took a travel bus from Mt Maunganui to Rotorua. Went via ‘Te puke’ which means ‘hill top’. Such a beautiful and stunning views all through the journey. Lots and lots of Kiwi plantations and avocado trees. Does any one know that what ever kiwi fruits we eat are cold stored? Kiwi season is from April to July and they are stored in cold storage to export to different countries. They don’t lose there colour/texture or taste after taking them out of storage. That is the speciality of Kiwi fruit. Top exports are from Zespri (Prasad is working for this company) and Kiwi gold is exported only from this company. On our way to Rotarua we saw lake Rotoiti and Okere Falls.

We were in Rotarua by 11:00 AM. It is a beautiful place surrounded by Tullips everywhere. I think spring is the right time to visit NZ to enjoy the nature. Rotarua is very famous to show how famous Maori culture is (Native New Zealanders). We went to ‘Te Puia’ a Maori cultural centre.

First we started our tour with main entrance which have ‘Te Heketanga a Rangi’ I think I spelt is right – which means “heavenly Origins”. Then to Haka – which is a traditional Maori welcome dance , poi and war dance and stick games. To enter into Rotowhio Marae we have to take our shoes off ( just like how Indians do when they enter temple). I played stick games for 5 min felt like playing dandia ( a traditional Indian stick dance played during Navaratri ). We covered volcanic eruption which went upto 30 meters and went on and on and on. All the place is stinking with sulphur and heat from the eruption.

Saw Kiwi birds in the Kiwi house from there went to Mud pools where mud is steaming approximately 90-95 degrees. These mud pools are formed with acid gases and steam that cause the decomposition of minerals from ground. In Rotarua you find hot pools every where and there is not hot water system in that place coz ground water is hot. Maori people say mud from these mud pools help to cure many diseases like arthritis and muscle aches.

From hill top to ground we came by train. After our tour we went to gift shop to buy some gifts to friends and bought myself a Jade bangle (courtesy of Prasad - Did someone say I deserve it? OK agree :))).

Before coming home we went to carving school. In this place prestigious art of carving is passed to younger generations by providing training. I thought of 1000 pillar temple in Warrangal which is famous for rock carvings. I am sure they are much harder than wood carvings but are we keeping up our culture and heritage? When ever Vedanth go to India next time I make sure he visit that temple.

I strongly recommend every one who visit to New Zealand to visit Rotarua.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Day 2 10th of October 2007

Today we went out to see the places around Mt Maunganui and Tauranga.

First went to Tauranga port which is famous for exports unlike Auckland port which is for imports. Most of the exports are electronics, wood, cars and Kiwis (I mean fruits :) from New Zealand and to inner cities in New Zealand. We couldn’t stand there for long due to wet weather.

From there took a day trip and saw all the places around. What a beautiful city it is. Went to shopping mall and I did not notice even a bit of difference between Aussie malls and Kiwi malls. All the shops are same and people are same except you find some real New Zealanders around and a little bit of difference in accent. Jan I took your cook book in Bay field mall which costs $6.45 + 1,100 (for my trip :)))

We went to harbor bridge and to Tauranga town. Tauranga is a big town with 100 thousand people. Which is 22 kms from Mt Maunganui where we are staying. Went to bird Sanctuary Park and enjoyed watching different kind of birds.

Returned to Mt Maunganui at about 3:00 PM and wanted to go on top of the mountain. Vedu is bit reluctant to climb the mountain but after we climbed he is very happy to see the whole town and views. This mountain is bit taller than Mt loufty in Adelaide. Felt like I am in heaven for couple of min.

We went to beach after climbing down the mountain. Did not stay there for long because of the showers.

Went to Italian restauranto and had hot pizza and pasta for dinner.

Came to hotel and boys went and sat in hot bubble spa and myself ended up in front of computer to write my diary.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My NZ trip

Left Adelaide at 6:30 Pm and in Melb by 9:00 Pm. Got to meet friends and very happy to see them. Did not get to see the little one and Vedu is very upset about it.

Started from Melb at 5:00 with an unusual breakfast at that time. Boarded Emirates flight by 7:00 AM. Very exited about the trip and to see MNS. Emirates flight is really good and comfortable.

Reached Auckland by 1:20 PM which is the size of Adelaide airport and god people everywhere – reminded me of India. Took us 2 hrs to pass customs and get out. Took a private shuttle to Tauranga, Mt Maunganui where Prasad is working. What a great trip. Green everywhere and scenic drive all through. Can anything replace mother and/or nature in this universe? Vow such a beautiful journey. Took us 3 hrs to reach Mt. Maunganui. Went to Prasads office Zespri and it is hardly 2 min walk to hotel from office.

We were in Prasad’s 2 bedroom fully furnished apartment by 6:30 PM. Just thinking how lucky Prasad is… beach on one side and port on other, mountain on one side and harbor bridge on the other. This place got everything to enjoy. Four sides you find something or other to visit.

We went out to dinner to an Indian restaurant called Swagath (surprised to see Indian restaurants in this place) after a hectic day.