Wednesday, October 17, 2007

In Wellington

We had continental breakfast in hotel and out by 8:30 AM for sight seeing. We started with TePAPA museum. Everyone said it is good it is good – we understood after entering it – Entrance is FREE :)), No I am only joking. It is really good and worth seeing. It got everything. But not good as Field museum in Chicago which is much bigger than this.

After museum we went on a guided tour around Wellington. It is very small capital city. We started with mount peak (cant remember its name) where we have 360 degree view (yes 360 degree) of entire city and can also see south island. All the houses are built on top of hills. Of course we find only hills in Wellington. No wonder why people call it windy Wellington, it is very very windy. I liked the mountains and greenery a lot. Earth plate connecting to NZ and Australia is increasing every year by 1cm. If that is the case in couple of years we may end with more islands and rivers in between Australia and NZ.

Went to old and New Parliament house. Since old parliament house is constructed with wood same model and style is used to construct the New Parliament with brick. I liked state library cute building which looks like bee hive. Went to drive around the coast. It took us hardly 21/2 hrs to go around the coast. Beaches in Wellington are different from Australia. They do not have fine sand and most of them are raged.

Went to west pack stadium where all rugby games will be played. From there went to hotel and we had chine’s today. We had such a great view of city buildings, port and mountains from our hotel.

Wellington airport runway is smallest in the world. No wonder why we landed very smoothly :))

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