Saturday, October 13, 2007

Trip to Rotarua

Today we started early morning to travel little bit down from top in North Island. Nice weather for long journey. Took a travel bus from Mt Maunganui to Rotorua. Went via ‘Te puke’ which means ‘hill top’. Such a beautiful and stunning views all through the journey. Lots and lots of Kiwi plantations and avocado trees. Does any one know that what ever kiwi fruits we eat are cold stored? Kiwi season is from April to July and they are stored in cold storage to export to different countries. They don’t lose there colour/texture or taste after taking them out of storage. That is the speciality of Kiwi fruit. Top exports are from Zespri (Prasad is working for this company) and Kiwi gold is exported only from this company. On our way to Rotarua we saw lake Rotoiti and Okere Falls.

We were in Rotarua by 11:00 AM. It is a beautiful place surrounded by Tullips everywhere. I think spring is the right time to visit NZ to enjoy the nature. Rotarua is very famous to show how famous Maori culture is (Native New Zealanders). We went to ‘Te Puia’ a Maori cultural centre.

First we started our tour with main entrance which have ‘Te Heketanga a Rangi’ I think I spelt is right – which means “heavenly Origins”. Then to Haka – which is a traditional Maori welcome dance , poi and war dance and stick games. To enter into Rotowhio Marae we have to take our shoes off ( just like how Indians do when they enter temple). I played stick games for 5 min felt like playing dandia ( a traditional Indian stick dance played during Navaratri ). We covered volcanic eruption which went upto 30 meters and went on and on and on. All the place is stinking with sulphur and heat from the eruption.

Saw Kiwi birds in the Kiwi house from there went to Mud pools where mud is steaming approximately 90-95 degrees. These mud pools are formed with acid gases and steam that cause the decomposition of minerals from ground. In Rotarua you find hot pools every where and there is not hot water system in that place coz ground water is hot. Maori people say mud from these mud pools help to cure many diseases like arthritis and muscle aches.

From hill top to ground we came by train. After our tour we went to gift shop to buy some gifts to friends and bought myself a Jade bangle (courtesy of Prasad - Did someone say I deserve it? OK agree :))).

Before coming home we went to carving school. In this place prestigious art of carving is passed to younger generations by providing training. I thought of 1000 pillar temple in Warrangal which is famous for rock carvings. I am sure they are much harder than wood carvings but are we keeping up our culture and heritage? When ever Vedanth go to India next time I make sure he visit that temple.

I strongly recommend every one who visit to New Zealand to visit Rotarua.

1 comment:

Srini said...

OK. You have a dandia as it is dussrah ( or navaratri) time. And gift for having holidays in NZ and a life experience of understanding the cultural importance.

And are u saying that you and prasad had a mud bath together?
Yes, people always go after "wants" than appreciating what they "HAVE". As you are from india, how many places have u visited in India, more or less every village in India has a history or cultural significance. So Warangal (Orugallu the original name) is not only known 1000 pillars temple but the capital city of First Telugu kings (kakatiya dynasty) was formed and ruled all of the today's andhrapradesh. The great names you head was Rudrama Devi is from Kayatiya Dynasty which lasted for centuries and left unforgettable memories for telugu people. That is why in the later years, "Rayal" or Vijayanagara dynasty dedicated their lives in flourishing Telugu
langugage and literuate.
And more more thing, when you visit Warangal, 1000 pillar temple is very tiny infront another great architecural marvelance that is Ramappa temple which is built by the Kakatiya Dynasty well before the 1000 pillar temple. It is a great still considered as a great architecutural masterpiece in southern (dravidian) architecture.
Ramappa is the name of the architect which is known the temple with that name even today even the god who reside in there is Ramalingeswara. So you can understand the significance.

Anyhow it is not history lesson but my passon towards indian history.
Yes you are right, as our generation itself knows every little bit of our culture and experiences like you have will show us the significance of our culture and will enable us to show to our next generation.